
P13775 Finance & Accounting / 차장급 (8년 이상) 글로벌 Top 종합 홍보 대행사

2023-11-06 09:10
회사개요 글로벌 Top 종합 홍보 대행사
모집제목 Finance & Accounting / 차장급 (8년 이상)
근무지역 서울특별시
제출서류 이력서, 경력기술서, 사진파일첨부(국문)
전체경력 8년 ~ 10년 나이 1989(35세) ~ 1984(40세)
학력/전공 대학교(4년) 졸업 이상
모집내용 * Job Responsibilities

1) Managing the Accounting, taxes, and audit
- Reviewing and confirming financial accounting ledger processing in accordance with specific accounting regulations such as K-IFRS, K-GAAP, or IFRS
- Closing financial accounting books (AP, AR, VAT, GL, etc.) and preparing financial statements on a monthly and quarterly basis while ensuring compliance with deadlines
- Preparing responses for both interim and final audits
- Responding to Tax Investigations and Reviewing VAT and Other Taxes
- Managing various aspects of company tax accounting, such as withholding tax, value-added tax, and corporate tax processing
- Supporting the Accounting and Tax (A&T) manager and reviewing the work of assistant manager-level employees, with an emphasis on their experience as a basis for evaluation
- Building positive relationships and ongoing communication with key stakeholders, which can include banks, auditors, and tax teams
- Composing audit reports
- Reviewing expense claims

2) Supervising Monthly Reports
- Generating financial and tax reports in alignment with the group requests
- Reconciling different accounts and overseeing the general ledger
- Reviewing inter-company transactions management
- Reviewing and addressing long-overdue receivables
- Managing inter-company treasury operations, including intercompany settlements, loans, dividends, etc.

3) Budget and forecast and Cost Control
- Conducting financial forecasting and budgeting, analyzing actual financial results in comparison with the previous year, the budget, and the forecast
- Managing accounting tasks, specifically including the analysis of departmental profit and loss

4) Managing the Treasury
- Managing funds at different time intervals, including monthly, quarterly, and yearly management
- Supervising transactions related to banking and treasury operations
- Reviewing credit rating reports for corporations

5) Ad-hoc
- Handling ad-hoc projects or tasks for other organizations
- Reviewing vendor contracts
- Maintaining close communication with cross-functional teams and disseminating and implementing group guidelines

*Job Requirements
- Competency in English
- Possession of a degree or certificate in the field of Accounting
- More than 8 years of working experience in Finance or Accounting, with at least 5 years in a management position
- Strong leadership and people management skills
- Comfort with general accounting, tax, and treasury subjects
- Work experience in foreign companies, including group reporting experience
- Experience in ERP system implementation (preferred)

< 담당자 > 김은진 상무 010-3365-7687 / monica@headhuntkorea.com
< 제출 서류 > 국문 이력서, 자기소개서 (경력기술서)
기타정보 < 조직 구성 > 상무, 부장, 차장, 과장, 대리, 사원 등 6명으로 구성, 그중 차장급 퇴사로 인한 충원

< 에델만 복리후생 >
* 명절 상품권 (설30만 , 추석30만)
* 생일 상품권 (20만)
* 통신비 지원
* 사내 조식바 무료 운영
* 피트니스 센터 이용
* 건강검진

* 상황에 따라 재택 근무 가능
* 출근시간 유연 선택 가능
 담당 컨설턴트
성명 김은진 사내번호 02-557-2700
e-mail monica@headhuntkorea.com Mobile 010-3365-7687