Our Service Areas and Positions

It is the duty and mission of Headhunt to discover key human resources
so as to contribute to the success of its clients.
In this manner Headhunt helps its clients achieve growth
of their businesses and develop competitiveness.
Befitting its history of 20 years,
Headhunt possesses a wealth of references for all industrial fields & positions and specialties.

1. Industrial Sectors

IOT, AI, Electronics, Communications, Semi-Conductors / Financial Services / Construction, Heavy Industries / Manufacturing, Machinery / Pharmaceuticals, Medical, Medical Devices, Healthcare / Chemical, Energy / Automotive and Automotive Parts, Transportation / Consumer Goods, Household Items / Media, Internet, Entertainment, Games / Food and Beverages, Food Service Industry, Franchises / Hotel, Tourism, Air Travel / Leisure, Culture, Real Estate, Logistics, Marketing & Distribution

2. Positions

- Executive positions or higher, i.e.: CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, CIO, CHO and CSO, etc.
- Sales, Marketing, PR, Business Planning, Finance, Accounting, HR, General Affairs, etc.
- Strategy Consultant, HR Consultant
- AI, Big data expert, VR, Hacker, Software Engineers, Programmer, Game Masters
- Plant Managers, Production Managers, Q.C. Managers
- Designers, Chefs, Managers, etc.
- Researchers in various fields holding Master’s or Doctoral Degrees